Jak zarabiać miliony z miliardów zarabianych przez Amazon? Poznajcie Thras.io

Marketing w e-commerce
Krzysztof Bartnik

Krzysztof Bartnik


Wrzucam REWELACYJNY artykuł z Forbesa (po angielsku) dla wszystkich zainteresowanych. Opisuje firmę Thras.io, którą obserwuję od niemal roku, a jej działalność polega na (w dużym uproszczeniu) kupowaniu popularnych produktów na Amazon, szybkim usprawnieniu i rozwijaniu ich sprzedaży używając platformy Jeffa Bezosa.

Thras.io jest jedną z najszybciej rosnących firm w sektorze e-commerce (na pewno pod względem wyceny przy kolejnych rundach finansowania) i pojawiają się kolejni śmiałkowie kopiujący ten model.

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O wynikach Thras.io:

Named after Thraso, a brave Amazonian warrior from Greek mythology, Thrasio was founded by two serial entrepreneurs in July 2018 with a single mission: to roll up third-party sellers on Amazon. Over the last two years, it has spent over $100 million snapping up nearly 100 businesses, boosting their revenue to more than $400 million; it now sells 10,000-plus items—massage guns, hiking poles and everything in between—on the nation’s biggest online retail platform.

O sprzedawcach na Amazon i potencjalne wzrostu:

Independent merchants on the site have been a huge part of that success. There are over 2 million third-party sellers worldwide. In the U.S. alone, these businesses moved 3.4 billion items via Amazon in the 12 months ending in May, up from 2.7 billion the previous year. Over 30,000 of these sellers in the U.S. each generate at least $1 million in sales a year, and many rely on Amazon to handle retail’s messy logistics: delivery, returns and customer service. In aggregate, these small businesses are vital to Amazon, accounting for about 60% of its product sales, double the percentage they represented a decade ago. By and large, the pandemic has been good for these companies: During this October’s Prime Day, Amazon’s annual 48-hour sales event, third-party sellers had their two biggest days ever, according to Amazon, with sales rising nearly 60% year-over-year to $3.5 billion.

O działalności operacyjnej Thras.io:

The key, according to Silberstein, is an effective “block and tackle” strategy. Every new business acquired by Thrasio is put on the so-called conveyor belt, where a core team of a half-dozen employees works through a 503-point checklist of best practices in an average of 34 days, farming out tasks to a deep bench of specialists in supply chain, legal and other departments as needed. For instance, the creative team makes sure each listing has at least seven high-resolution images that take up 80% or 90% of the allotted space on the online display page (larger images lead more people to click).

O tym, co firma zrobiła po przejęciu jednego z produktów:

After buying Angry Orange, Thrasio introduced slick new packaging and partnered with pet influencers like Two Himalayan Cats, whose cute social-media posts drove not just clicks but sales, helping boost all-important conversion rates. Thrasio also identified a few dozen new relevant search keywords (such as cat urine odor eliminator and pet candle) and became the number one Amazon result for the majority of them. It’s now launching add-on products such as a spray canister with an attached black light, having noticed that pet owners most frequently purchased their odor removers with a separate black light to help them locate urine on the carpet. All these little moves add up to big revenue gains.

Cały artykuł przeczytajcie tutaj: How To Make Millions From Bezos’ Billions »


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